Studio Locations


Donna's Studio
Paseo de Guayabitos, (just off the main street, beside the Oxxo, near Teriyaki Alex )
Rincon de Guayabitos, Riviera Nayarit, Mexico

Galeria San Francisco
#1 Calle San Francisco, San Miguel de Allende, GTO., Mexico

tel: (cell) 045 322 888 7219

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Couple of Wide Angle Shots of my new Studio

Tom took these two photos of the new studio this afternoon with his super Canon wide-angle camera. He should have been down here this morning when the class was on to add a little human interest but it does give a hint as to  how this old Colonial era room looks in reality. The walls are over 2 feet thick and 350 years old! - as is the boveda ceiling and cupula above. It's like stepping way back in time.


  1. Nice space Donna! Is it right up on the corner of Pila Seca and H. Macias?

  2. Yes right at the corner.Inside the courtyard.Next to Mitu. My studio, and 7th Heaven, a great boutique are up and running. There ia a Cafe and Pizza place coming. Supposed to be open at the end of this week.In time for the Pila Seca christmas open house called Puertas Abiertas! Saturday night % til 8pm. It's going to be a busy week! Donna

  3. That's Dec 18th Sat, 5 til 8 pm Donna
